Tag Archives: give a kid an ipad

If you give a kid an ipad is now on Amazon Create Space E-store

As many of you know, last year I co-authored a children’s book with my 10 year old son Andrew. We published a few copies for friends and family. When I began the process of trying to put it on Amazon, I discovered that it needed to be 6 pages longer to meet their criteria. While that seemed like an easy enough task, it proved to be far more difficult.
First, I went back to our original illustrator and discovered that he was now depressed and not working. I waited several months in hopes he would return to the project. Fortunately, before he completely stopped working he had provided me with sketches of the proposed additional drawings. Eventually, I took these drawings to a new illustrator but discovered they were in PDF form rather than the design file format. So, more time went by to make that happen.

And here we are… finally! Today the book is on Createspace Estore
It will take one week to get it on regular amazon. But if you purchase it through the Estore, the royalty is actually higher, so that’s my preference. And in case you’re wondering- Andrew gets all of the proceeds.

Thanks for your support if you purchase the book. I have to say I think its pretty darn cute and makes a great gift for a kid 9-14.