Tag Archives: blog

a drum roll please

Hello Readers–

No you are not confused… this is an off schedule post because I have a little news:

If all goes well, all future blogs will contain the option to “listen” to me read the blog, as well as, the current format in which you can read it yourself.  So for those of you who feel crunched for time, you will be able to click on the screen and have it read to you.

In addition to the regular posts (and I have some fun ones waiting to be published), I am working on a series of e- mini books.  If you heard of the Australian public service commercial called Dumb Ways to Die, it inspired me to write “Dumb Ways to Live”.

The final versions may or may not end up like the one’s I’ve begun and that are in my head, but right now there are 4 books in progress.

1) Dumb Ways to live

2) Dumb ways to screw up your marriage

3) Dumb ways to raise kids

4) Dumb ways to wreck your career

so…. stay tuned!

One of these will become free to subscribers as your “bonus”.

I also want to say thank you again for everyone who reads, and also for your great comments and feedback.  The heavens have lined up and this week I have received some incredibly kind and wonderful feedback.   I want this project to grow… so I hope you will pass it on and encourage others to subscribe.
