Out and About

Dr. Young:

* was a guest presenter for two consecutive years at the International Association for Eating Disorders.

*participated in two videos about eating disorders and related topics. The first is about treatment options called “Letting It Go” and is available for viewing on the website www.mccallumplace.com.

The second is a nationally syndicated video called “Mirror Mirror” and is about adolescents and body dysmorphic disorder. This video can be viewed by visiting http://homepage.mac.com/atwoodtom/tomatwood/Menu54.html.

*Lectured on eating disorders in San Francisco at the Nat’l School Social Workers annual Convention.

*Presented a workshop on group skills for working with body image at the International Association for Eating disorder professionals (IAEDP) in Las Vegas, NV

*Was part of a panel discussion for the Thin Line presentation- This one woman play about eating disorders has been a very successful venue in St. Louis, for presenting information about the experience of dealing with an eating disorder from the perspective of both patient and loved ones.

(abbreviated list)