Happy Holidays

This is my last entry for the year.  I’ll be back the first week of January.  I just want to wish everyone a joyful holiday season, whatever your faith, including a hopeful new year.

The world is in a precarious state these days.  There is a daily barrage of bad news, potential threats, and looming concerns.  There is also joy, hope, and reasons for gratitude.  Sometimes in the wake of the former, it is difficult to find or focus on the latter.  Regardless of the difficulty, the choice remains ours.

To make the choice in favor of a more pleasant view of life however, is not to try and create a Norman Rockwell painting of upcoming events.  Rather, it means to simply focus on and appreciate what works, rather than to dwell on what does not. 

In his book “Conversations with God”, Neale Donald Walsh explains that we choose relationships based on what part of ourselves we wish to experience.  I would extend that thought as a statement about our lives in general.  What part of ourselves are we wanting to experience when we encircle ourselves with drama, chaos and hardship.  Is it a desire to feel punished, incompetent or inferior?  Is it a desire to see ourselves as a great rescuer?

And by the same token, when we surround ourselves with joy and plenty, are we bringing our self that is capable of richness and connection to God into the mix?  Neither of these questions is a simple yes or no, but are worthy of self-reflection.  What better time to do that than over this holiday season.

Once again, I want you to know how much I appreciate your dedication to reading, and value your feedback more than I can express.

Whatever you choose for this holiday season and the year ahead, I hope that you gain from it the knowledge you seek to make your life the best for you.


Happy Holidays

2 thoughts on “Happy Holidays

  1. What a wonderful blog! And well stated! I am listening to the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and it talks about the importance of tidying up your spaces and how it automatically puts you in the mindset of tidying up the people and relationships in your life, too. I agree with you whole heartedly! And quite a nice follow up to your blog about mindset relative to the French attacks. Merry Christmas and thank you for a year of insightful and entertaining blogs!

    1. thank you for the comment Sarah! I will take your recommendation on the life changing book- I tried to get into it but failed- perhaps I will give it another try. I so appreciate your faithful read throughout the year!

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